Oct 9, 2011

Rhys Bowen - Author Interview: Internationally Bestselling Novelist

What kinds of fiction did you read as a child and teenager, and did you have some favourites?

I loved mysteries and fantasy. The Famous Five when I was very young, then Agatha Christie etc. Also adored the Lord of the Rings.

Would you say your childhood and teenage reading has had a distinct influence on how you write fiction now, and why?

I've always been a big fan of the mystery novel, so it made sense for me to go into that genre.

What did you do before you became a published novelist, and how did you come to write your first novel and get it published?

I worked in BBC drama, then sold radio and TV plays to them before moving into fiction writing. I have been a writer all my life.

How would you describe your style of fiction or your approach to writing fiction during your first few novels?

I came to mysteries after a successful career in Youg Adult fiction. My first mysteries were the classic traditional mystery of Agatha Christie--a policeman in a small Welsh town.

How would you describe your style of fiction or your approach to writing fiction now?

I write two historical mystery series. One is darker and multi layered the other is a satirical romp.

Was your first published novel standalone or part of a series, and what advantages or disadvantages did this present for you?

My first mystery novel was part of a series. An advantage was that readers like to follow a character they enjoy. A disadvantage is that publishers don't push a mystery series as much as a big thriller standalone.

Did you find writing your second novel easier or more challenging than writing your first novel and why?

Easier, I think because I already had my setting and my secondary characters. With each book it becomes more lke visitng old friends.

Who is another novelist whose fiction writing you admire and why?

Tony Hillerman, Reginald Hill, Peter Robinson... all have an amazing sense of place that I admire and hope to emulate.

Pick a series of novels you have written. How would you describe what makes that a cohesive series with strong appeal for readers? If you have not written a series of novels, how would you describe what makes one of your favourite series by another novelist a cohesive series with strong appeal for readers?

Let's talk about my Royal Spyness mysteries. They take place in Britain in the 1930s and feature a minor royal who is penniless and trying to make her own way in a difficult world. As such she is an appealing character, someone who doesn't quite belong to either world and thus is outsider and observer. The world of upper class England in the 1930s is also appealing, with cameo appearances by Mrs. Simpson, the Prince of Wales, Noel Coward. When I write historical novels I want the reader to feel he or she is there, not being told about a time.

How would you summarise one of your novels in one paragraph?

First Molly Murphy novel was Murphy's Law. The novel won 4 awards including Agatha Award for best novel. Irishwoman Molly Murphy has to flee rom Ireland when she accidentally kills the man who is trying to rape her. She comes to Ellis Island using an assumed name. While she is there a man is murdered and the name she is using shows up as a prime suspect. So her quest is to prove her innocence or be sent back to Ireland to be hanged.

How would you describe the appeal of this novel to readers?

Molly is a brash, spunky Irish girl, not afraid of much, fighting against injustice and as such is appealing to many people who feel powerless in their own lives.

How would you summarise a chapter from this novel in one paragraph?

Molly, hiding out in Liverpool and at her wit's end, is taken in by a fellow Irishwoman and given a task to complete that will allow her to escape to America. It's always interesting to me how one small turning point, one chance encounter, can change the course of a whole life.

How would you describe the contribution this chapter makes to the novel?

It opens a door for Molly that provides the turning point in her fortunes.

Author website: http://www.rhysbowen.com/

Kobo ebooks Visit Powells.com

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